How to get a Taurus woman to chase you
Honestly, a Taurus woman does not naturally chase.
She is ruled by Venus, the planet of attraction. She knows how to sit back and let what she wants come to her. She innately understands the law of attraction and can speak what she wants into existence while working hard to get it.
If she wants you, she will come to you and only after a long and thought out decision on her part that you are her perfect mate, but she will not chase forever. Venus is the energy of equal exchange and if she feels she’s doing more of the chasing and being less pursued, she will back off.
She knows what she wants and what she doesn’t want.
She knows what makes her comfortable in life and is grounded in knowing and doing what works for her.
She takes relationships very seriously and she may test you in various ways that show her that a future with you has a foundation and you two can build a strong love.
How to attract a Taurus woman
Attract a Taurus by allowing her to take control of a situation sometimes. As an Earth sign, Tauruses like to provide or help in some way. If she wants to help you with something, let her. She’s naturally dependable and practical and she gives good advice.
The Taurus woman is a creature of habit. Taurus women find comfort in their daily routines and are frustrated by the unfamiliar, uncertainty, and surprises. She takes her time to reach her goals and obtain what she wants. Show her that you are consistent in some area of your own life as well to attract her.
You have to show a Taurus woman that you are patient. She needs time to think about major decisions and doesn’t jump into relationships quickly.
As mentioned before, the Taurus woman innately understands the law of attraction. Use this law to your advantage by focusing on her. Give her your energy and attention and only react to the positive things about her that you see. This mindfulness will attract more of her good energy to you.
A Taurus woman will notice your scent. If you wear a signature scent that is high-end and intriguing, that is a good way to attract her. Layering with scented soaps, lotions, oils, and colognes is very appealing to her.
Read next: How to know if a Taurus woman likes you
How to get a Taurus woman to chase you
She is a fixed sign who’s mind is difficult to change when she has made a decision. She works hard to get what she wants and has extreme patience.
Once a Taurus woman decides that she wants you she will show you her romantic side. She will talk to you about elaborate dates she’d like to experience or that she thinks you’d enjoy.
She is very generous when it comes to all forms of showing affection. She will give high-quality gifts that mean a lot or be a shoulder to lean on. Show her the same type of encouragement towards her interests and goals if you want a Taurus woman to chase you.
She prefers a traditional relationship that includes romance. If you want to know how to get a Taurus woman to chase you be emotionally and financially stable and someone who is dependable when needed.
The Taurus zodiac sign has a connection to nature. Tell her how much you like to be outdoors such as taking walks on the beach or your favorite hiking trails.
Some Taurus women like to chase “bad boys” and see their behavior as a form of security because, from her perspective, his toughness shows others that he can’t be pushed around and he can physically protect her.
Dress smart & Smell great
Taurus women are attracted to men who know how to dress, that doesn’t have to mean formal. It just means take a little bit of pride in your appearance, make sure whenever there’s a chance that you could bump into her you’re looking your absolute best.
It doesn’t just stop at looks though, the Taurus woman pays to attention to all her senses. Once you’ve caught her eye by looking good, keep her attention by making sure you smell amazing!
Be funny and up for doing exciting things
Taurus women like impromptu road trips and spontaneous last minute adventures. You’ll need to show her that you’re not a planner, mention that you randomly decided to hop in the car and go for a hike or last minute decided to go away for the weekend. She’ll dig the fact you did it last minute and it wasn’t planned. Show her that you’re open to dropping everything for an adventure!
Taurus women like to laugh, they find happiness from laughter. So if you’re a natural comedian then you’re already half way there.
You need to be independent
Even though Taurus women are very spontaneous. She needs a man who’s got his life together, or at least is career driven or knows where he’s going. She isn’t seeking a man child who’s going to be overly clingy, this might be enough to turn her off you. She’s seeking someone who’s stable.
If you can show her that you can support her emotionally and even financially, she might like that.
How to seduce a Taurus woman
Give her your full attention when you are with her and give her this attention often. Do things to show that you are always thinking about her. She notices the small things you do for her because this is the way she flirts as well.
Allow her to play her feminine role. She can be traditional so compliment her looks, her perfume or the way she styled her desk at work or home.
She values equal exchange in her relationships so I suggest showing appreciation to her as she becomes more accommodating and nurturing towards you.
Show appreciation for every gift, every piece of advice or help she gives. It’s a big turn on to her if you show that you admire her just as much as she admires you.
She may enjoy exploring different cultures and the arts. She likes to see the beauty in her surroundings. Invite her to an art exhibit or botanical garden. She may also love an elegant restaurant that serves exotic foods or even comfort food served up in a fanciful and creative way.
She responds to outward expression of admiration.
● Bring her coffee from her favorite coffee shop
● Give her flowers
● Make a meal or snack for her
● Offer to take her to her favorite restaurant.
What not to do when trying to attract a Taurus woman
You can repel a Taurus woman by being the type of person who needs outside validation and attention. She does not associate herself around people who have negative reputations that can end up being placed upon her.
She is turned off by boasting or spilling secrets. Her guard will stay up if she feels she can’t trust you. If she confides in you and you betray her trust, you will not be forgiven. This is a big deal to her because vulnerability is outside of her comfort zone and not treating her emotions delicately will make you lose out on her with the strong possibility of losing her forever.
If you are trying to seduce a Taurus woman, you should not put her under any pressure. Don’t surprise her by meeting her out in places or showing up unannounced or uninvited. Don’t be overly persistent with calls, texts and comments on social media.
When a Taurus woman shows interest, she’s screening you to see if you have the potential to be her future spouse so if you are looking for a quick fling she will sense this and lose interest completely.
Show her you are in it for the long-run. Bringing up serious or next-level aspects to a relationship like moving in together, marriage or engagements too soon or before she shows any signs that she likes you will show her that you are not genuine and she is not for the games or silliness.
Make sure to read How to tell if a Taurus woman is in love with you
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